Why Are Facebook Entering The Blockchain Space?
A high level summary of Facebook’s cryptocurrency project, Libra - along with an explanation as to why they did it. I’m quite sure you’ve heard of Facebook’s Libra project. A cryptocurrency created, developed and launched by the world’s largest Social Media company....
Recommended Futurist Podcasts
Yesterday, I pointed you to a list of online MOOCs. Today, I want to suggest a list of really good futurist podcasts, put together by Feedspot. See it here: https://blog.feedspot.com/futurist_podcasts/ To their list, I would also add the following: Exponential View...
Video – The best explanation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ever
Graeme Codrington explains not just the Fourth, but also the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Industrial Revolutions, and why 4IR is more important and disruptive than you can imagine. A MUST WATCH VIDEO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okXk4Bnz2Lc&feature=youtu.
Can Blockchain Help My Business?
Can my business specifically benefit from blockchain technology? After my article last month on TTG, I received a few queries asking me how “Bitcoin” could help in people’s business. At first I was a little confused as to why I was receiving queries about a subject I...
Webinar replay – South Africa in the 2020s
Many have asked for the replay, and as much as we would love to make the webinar content free for all to access (we know what an important message it is), for those who joined us on the webinar you'll also understand that our team have put many hours of research and...
Thinking Like a Futurist
A future-focused toolkit
The SA Rollercoaster
A 60-minute inspiring, realistic and energising presentation
Thinking Like a Futurist: A future-focused toolkit
The last two decades have been preparation for what we’re about to experience in the 2020s. We have now developed the key building blocks for deep change, including cellphones and digital communication networks, the Internet (and now the Internet of Things), robotics,...
Tomorrow’s World Today
The disruptive forces shaping the world right now, and how we should respond
Tides of Change
The drivers of disruptive change in the world right now
HR Future Magazine cover feature: What to do when the robots come for your job
Graeme Codrington was recently featured on the cover of South Africa's HR Future Magazine, with an article about what to do when the robots come for your job. For more details on the research behind this article, see our framework on 8 skills for the future of...
Examples of Life-Changing Technologies (from Singularity U)
The Singularity Hub recently published a compendium of examples of life-changing technologies. Most of them are not super high-tech inventions, but rather just clever uses of existing technologies to solve some very real problems. If you want to feel better about the...
Graeme Codrington speaks: Disruption@Work for In Good Company
I recently was the opening speaker at the In Good Company conference in Pretoria, South Africa. They recorded the session, and it is available in full on YouTube: What do you think? I'd appreciate your comments and feedback.
How our team approaches developing leaders for the 2020s
Here's a 25-minute detailed overview of what our team can do as part of a Leadership Development Programme. It will give you a great idea of how our team approaches developing leaders for the 2020s by helping them to 'Think Like a Futurist'. Let us know if you'd like...
The 100 most important disruptive tech trends right now
Academics at Imperial College London have developed a "Periodic Table of Technology" that ranks 100 disruptive technology trends according to how soon they'll be available versus how disruptive they're likely to be. The result is a superb vision of the future. Here it...
Great ideas to try: A four day week
An article in Fast Company caught my eye recently: "The four-day work week is good for business", by Adele Peters. Simple version: A New Zealand company experimented with a four day week. It went really well. That makes sense to me on many levels. If we think that...
Everyone needs to be a Futurist now (here’s how)
A Futurist is someone who... intentionally builds the capacity to see and understand the implications and meaning of change. This is the definition that our team at TomorrowToday prefers. And we believe that you need a lot of them in your business: futurists,...
8 Skills for the Future of Work
How best does one ensure that you are prepared for the ‘new world of work’? In a context of exponential change, what will it take to be ‘future-fit’? These are important questions for everyone to be asking – wherever it is you find yourself along your career path....
What’s new in the Future of Work Academy for May
Below is a copy of the most recent email we sent out to our Academy members letting them know what we've added to the Future of Work Academy in May. The Academy is a great resource for anyone wanting to start developing the right skills that are essential for success...
Bitcoin: The beginning of the Digital Bronze Age
Since the dawn of time human society has been through several stages of development and evolution. The earliest stage was the stone age. In this age we had very basic tools and implements that relied on our ability to use stones to shape other stones. What we didn’t...