by Jude Foulston | Oct 28, 2016 | Archive, Change, Clients Feedback and Media, Future Trends, Leadership
Industry Specialists at TomorrowToday Global Unveil a Timely New White Paper Entitled “FinTech & the Digital Disruption of Financial Services” This hard-hitting new position paper, researched and created by a team of top multi-industry veterans, is a definitive...
by Keith Coats | Oct 26, 2016 | Archive, Leadership
“Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten” is something that B.F. Skninner once said. One has only to apply that insight to one’s own ‘education’ to fully appreciate just how correct Skinner was in that assessment. Yet, given that...
by Graeme Codrington | Oct 25, 2016 | Archive, Future Trends, Leadership, Organisational Development
Automation is one of the most important themes in any discussion about the future of work. But just how much of our work can computers actually do. And excellent video was recently released which explores just this question, and supplies a scary answer: nearly all of...
by Keith Coats | Oct 25, 2016 | Archive, Leadership, Organisational Development
The Problem: My team have stopped learning in ways that I think will impact on our ability to thrive into the future. We seem too content, too complacent and don’t seem willing to challenge ourselves with the learning mind-set and behaviours I know we will need to be...
by Keith Coats | Oct 25, 2016 | Archive, Leadership, Organisational Development
The Problem: My team have stopped learning in ways that I think will impact on our ability to thrive into the future. We seem too content, too complacent and don’t seem willing to challenge ourselves with the learning mind-set and behaviours I know we will need to be...
by Keith Coats | Oct 12, 2016 | Archive, Leadership
Having the wrong metrics in place is a little like the person who fell off a 10 story building only to be heard to say as he passed each floor on the way down, “so far so good”. The old cliché, ‘if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’ is not entirely true. It...