by Keith Coats | May 18, 2017 | Archive, Change, Future Trends, Leadership
A conversation on how to sustain learning… So tell me why you think learning is so important, I mean it is not like I don’t have enough to do right now? I’m part of this TomorrowToday Future of Work Academy and to be honest, there’s a lot of resources in there…how do...
by James Preston | May 9, 2017 | Archive, Future Trends, Leadership, Tuesday Tips
One of the biggest problems with taking your team or whole organisation away for a few days of conferencing is making sure you get a proper return on investment. Conferences can cost a lot, and that’s without calculating the cost of taking everyone away from their...
by James Preston | May 8, 2017 | Archive, Future Trends, Leadership
From doctors to news reporters, secretaries to drone pilots, jobs are evolving faster than ever before. Thousands of new professions are listed in LinkedIn every day, and every business magazine you read seems to have at least one article warning us that our jobs are...
by Dean van Leeuwen | Apr 21, 2017 | Archive, Leadership
This century should be rather remarkable but it will not just happen, you have to create it. Ancient Greeks had two concepts of time, chronos and kairos. The former referring to the sequential progress of time; and, the latter, opportune moments – pockets of...
by Dean van Leeuwen | Apr 21, 2017 | Archive, Leadership
Every blog needs a story about Apple and here is one of ours, but it is not your average account. This is a story of a very young man, presenting his crazy idea at the 1983 International Design Conference in Aspen, long before he or his company were famous. At the...
by Jude Foulston | Mar 30, 2017 | Archive, Change, Leadership, Organisational Development
Our team is putting the final touches on April’s Future of Work Academy content. As always, it’s brilliant. The Academy provides resources to help you be successful in your career in the future of work. Here’s a video Graeme put together overviewing...