by Markus Kramer | Jan 20, 2015 | Archive, Change
The great Greek philosophers put the meaning of life over everything else – from which all doing would draw value and utility. For businesses, value and meaning were once simple concepts, contained in the practical aspects of a product. A formula where function...
by Dean van Leeuwen | Jan 12, 2015 | Archive, Change, Future Trends, Leadership
Imagine a game where there are no evil monsters, deranged zombies or blood sucking aliens, no high-calibre weapons and most surprisingly no scorekeeping of any sort. Rather the game is an allegorical adventure that explores how we might understand and integrate past...
by Dean van Leeuwen | Oct 17, 2014 | Archive, Change, Future Trends, Leadership
“Many business leaders will realise, soon, that they are underinvesting in North America” says Joel Kurtzman a leading figure in the U.S. on the future of business. Joel founded the Booz & Co magazine Strategy+Business and is also a senior fellow at the Milken...
by Graeme Codrington | Sep 25, 2014 | Archive, Change, Future Trends, Leadership
Over the last few months I have begun to include a small section in some of my workshops on the clutter and “stuff” that makes work life a pain. Almost all participants identify meetings and email (and many add managers, for a “3M” trilogy of...
by Dean van Leeuwen | Sep 15, 2014 | Archive, Change, Future Trends
Today Graeme Codrington and I are part of the London Business School team working with the leadership of a petroleum company from the Middle East. The course is being held in London and we were talking to them about disruptive forces. One of the forces that will...
by Dawna MacLean | Aug 20, 2014 | Archive, Change, Future Trends
I have come to believe that we are all spinning our wheels in our efforts to change until we learn to understand and embrace our irrationality. I watched anotherDan Ariely talk this weekend and he shared an analogy that really helps illustrate why we are so...