Stats about LinkedIn in Africa [infographic]

Stats about LinkedIn in Africa [infographic]

After the demand for our LinkedIn in South Africa infographics we decided to extend our research into Africa. Nearly 6 million people are using LinkedIn in Africa. Proving that LinkedIn is becoming a great resource to connect with people in Africa. As international investment into Africa grows we are seeing great potential to connect with […]

Stats about LinkedIn in Africa [infographic]

LinkedIn in South Africa 2012 [infographic]

Over the last few years the DigitLab team and I have been tracking the growth of LinkedIn in South Africa.In 2011 we saw an 83% growth (600 000 professionals) from this year and in 2012 a 45% increase (500 000 professionals )with a total of 1,6 million people. Its also interesting to note that the […]

Stats about LinkedIn in Africa [infographic]

Social Media empowers Citizen Journalism

After my last article about the role of social media in journalism I received an email through a friend from a journalism lecturer who shared this TED video with me. The video is a great description of a new layer of journalism that social media has empowered. A form of journalism that places the knowledge […]

Social Media empowers Citizen Journalism originally posted on Mike Saunders – Keynote Speaker and Social Media Coach