Can Mobile and Social Strategy Create an Infrastructure for Africa Development
Over the past year or so I have been working with a number of companies looking to expand their business into Africa. This is probably one of the most exciting areas of business growth because of the uniques challenges and breadth of work involved. The return, without a doubt, is great for any business who […]

Be mindful not to pigeonhole Millennials
Whether you are marketing to Millennials, teaching them, managing, mentoring or working for one, be mindful that you do not make assumptions about them. They are a very interesting generation, full of contradiction and unexpected (often pleasant) surprises. On one...Can social technology improve employee productivity?
In a recent article in the Harvard Business Review James Manyika, Michael Chui, and Hugo Sarrazin presented some insightful research that identified that some of our best employees are spending ”28% of their workdays answering, writing, or responding to email. They also spend another 19% of the time trying to track down information (including searching through their […]