by Keith Coats | Nov 18, 2016 | Archive, Leadership
Gustavo Gutierrez once said, “Those who change the course of history are usually those who pose a new set of questions rather than those who offer solutions.” Gutierrez, born in Lima in 1928, is a Peruvian Dominican priest who is regarded as the founder of...
by Keith Coats | Nov 17, 2016 | Leadership
“Write drunk, edit sober” is something Ernest Hemingway allegedly once said. I think it is good advice, except maybe for alcoholics! The kind of writing that tends to inspire me is writing that has passion, flow and somehow captures grand ideas in a way...
by Keith Coats | Nov 15, 2016 | Archive, Diversity, Leadership, Organisational Development, Tuesday Tips
The Problem: Leading diversity (difference) is amongst the most complex and difficult of all challenges that leaders face. How can you lead difference in such a way that the benefits of diversity can flourish? The Solution: Difference takes many forms –...
by Keith Coats | Nov 10, 2016 | Archive, Leadership
The right leadership habits lead to the right leadership practices. It is a law of life general. There is a lot leaders are ‘told’ they should do in order to be effective leaders and the leadership ‘to do’ list becomes an endless range of activities that may or may...
by Keith Coats | Nov 3, 2016 | Archive, Change, Leadership
Gen Z (those born since 2000) is rapidly becoming your new market and will soon become the next generation knocking at the door of your company. They are unlike any previous generation because they have grown up in a world unlike any previous generation. Denying the...