by Keith Coats | Oct 9, 2018 | Leadership, Tuesday Tips
The Problem: You are in a position of leadership, or are a member of a team, and find yourself wondering just how you can contribute to the success of those around you; how you can contribute to higher levels of performance. Of course this may not be a ‘problem...
by Keith Coats | Sep 6, 2018 | Archive, Change, Leadership, Organisational Development
History is littered with personal and corporate examples of those whose failure to read the future proved costly and in some cases fatal. One example of a costly failure was the post War owners of Arsenal Football Club, the Bracewell-Smith and Hill-Wood families,...
by Keith Coats | Jun 12, 2018 | Archive, Leadership
There comes a time when letting go is necessary. The problem is that all too often ‘letting go’ is seen as capitulation, as giving-up and the lesser of the options available. We are usually encouraged to ‘hang in there’ and to persevere regardless of the situation...
by Keith Coats | May 25, 2018 | Archive, Change, Organisational Development
Cartoonist Gary Larson’s genius is to reveal life from unusual perspectives. His work turns everyday situations inside out and in doing so, gifts us with both a smile and an insight all at the same time. One of my favourite Larson depictions is that of an orchestra...
by Keith Coats | May 22, 2018 | Archive, Change, Leadership, Tuesday Tips
The first time I was asked the question was when my daughter (Tamryn) was about to turn five. It was a question that then cropped up every year with regular monotony only to be met with the stock-same answer year after year. It was a question that long after the...