What the Fourth Industrial Revolution really means for you.
The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is fast becoming a meaningless cliche. Together with the team of futurists at TomorrowToday, we can help you make sense of it – and use the power of “4IR” to improve your life and work. We’re so passionate about helping you...Recommended Futurist Podcasts
Yesterday, I pointed you to a list of online MOOCs. Today, I want to suggest a list of really good futurist podcasts, put together by Feedspot. See it here: https://blog.feedspot.com/futurist_podcasts/ To their list, I would also add the following: Exponential View...400 free Ivy League university courses you can take online in 2019
Quartz magazine recently provided a fantastic list of MOOCs (massive open online courses) that are currently being offered online to any participants, by US Ivy League universities/colleges. Access the full list here:...9 techniques to improve your creative thinking abilities
9 techniques to improve your creative thinking abilities