Apparently there’s a 58% chance you’ve never scanned a QR Code (see here for Wikipedia info on a QR Code). That’s if the research done by Lab42 is universal in it’s findings. For those of you who’ve never scanned one, 43% of you don’t even know what it is.

We’ve become interested in QR Codes at TomorrowToday because our new business cards contain one on the back. Scan the code on the back of our cards, and if you have a decent scanner you’ll get all of our contact information in the scan, that can then be easily saved into the address book on your phone. A very simple way to enter information. Open your scanner, let it do it’s work, and press ‘save’. Done. So very simple. You can see why we think it’ a good idea.

I’ve recently done some work for a client who’s using QR Codes to send information about their upcoming conference via QR Code. I did a little work investigating apps and if you’ve got a Smart Phone you can download a free app (or buy as paid for app) from your phone brand’s App Store.

Mashable recently published an infographic from Lab42 around their research. It’s included below…