I am lucky enough to be at the Social Media World Forum today and I have been blogging about the conference in detail.

The are the highlights of day one as we looked into brands, online reputation monitoring and crisis management.

First Impressions

The biggest technical detail at the conference is the tweet wall. You can check it out here. Basically the tweet wall, sponsored by Nokia, is an aggregation of all thing twitter related at #SMWF. A very cool tool that helps people track those worth following at the conference. I think the concept is a brilliant addition to conference networking.

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Social media crisis management

This fear is one of the main reasons why companies don’t get in social media. Companies are worried that if they enter the social media space they will generate bad PR. The problem is that this bad PR, if it exists, is on those social media channels already. In other words, the conversation is already happening, you may as well join it.

Yoav Tchelet, from AVIS, had the following suggestions to be ready to handle a crisis in your social media channels. Read more…

The biggest benefit to monitoring online reputation and sentiment

Standard Bank did a detailed presentation around their listening strategies online. The presentation was very interesting and went into detail about crunching the stats in such a way to get valuable, workable results. Now for a few of the key points. Read more…

Five steps to successful social media monitoring

Quite simply, monitoring social media allows you to track what the public is saying about you, analyse the comments and then identify opportunities to engage the public better with your products and services.

Here are Meltwaters “Five steps to successful social media monitoring” Read more…

Can social media attract customers and have they changed

Listening to the first panel at the Social Media World Forum bought up a few interesting insights in the role of social media in marketing plans.

The panel consisted of:

Moderator: Michelle Atagana, Editor, memeburn
Garth Rhoda, General Manager Media, Habari Media Group
Siphelele Sixaso, Head of Marketing, SAfm
Bellinder Carreira, Senior Manager Digital and Direct Marketing, Standard Bank

As you can see this is a great panel of experts so the insight gathered in the should carry some clout. There were two main insights that were gleamed from the discussion. Read more…

If you would like to read more about the conference click here.