:: Featured Articles in June
DeanvanLeeuwen – Crowdsourcing – Getting Your Customers and Staff to develop new innovations for you
Crowdsourcing is a technique that progressive companies are using to translate the enthusiasm of their most highly-engaged customers into valuable marketing, branding, or product-development insight. Dean van Leeuwen, TomorrowToday’s UK and European director, who has an MBA and extensive work experience in marketing, looks at this new trend and provides practical guidelines for customer-led organisations.
Click here to read the rest of this article GraemeCodrington – Prisoners of the past
The opening line of the best selling business book of all time is as succinct as it is true: “Good is the enemy of greatâ€. Jim Collins’ 2001 bestseller, “Good to Great†explains how most companies never become great because they are already good. They have become prisoners to their past – not feeling any need to push boundaries, innovate, prepare for the unexpected, stretch themselves or make necessary changes to ensure sustainable success. Dr Graeme Codrington argues that this is a recipe for disaster, that only future-focused leadership – who have the guts to look forward and not back – can avert. Click here to read the rest of this article
KeithCoats – The New Village: Building Courageous Companies
In this article, Keith Coats, our resident leadership expert, visits one of his favourite themes: the company as a village. He explains the four key requirements for developing successful and resilient organisations: belonging, mastery, independence and generosity.
Click here to read the rest of this article
PeteLaburn – Why Strategies Don’t Work
Many people will agree with Pete Laburn, strategy consultant and part of TomorrowToday’s network, that strategy just doesn’t work in most companies. Its either about just getting a plan done for head office, or we actually don’t have the time to lift our heads above the daily grind to see into the future. In this article, Pete argues that there is one dominant reason why strategies fail, and that is that the only strategy that organisations will deliver is the one that they are capable of delivering. He suggests three critical elements for developing organisational capability for implementing strategies.
Click here to read the rest of this article
AloysiasMaimane – Buppies – coming to terms with young black staff
Buppies – Black yuppies. Black young upwardly mobile professionals. Research shows that this is one of the fastest growing demographic groups in South Africa, but many companies and leaders have no idea how to manage them. Aloysias Maimane, a new member of the TomorrowToday team and a top South African presenter and facilitator, provides some insights into this important group.
Click here to read the rest of this article |
:: Strategic Inputs @ your next conference or strategy session |
TomorrowToday is a world-class provider of multimedia-driven, edutaining, strategic keynote presentations. Our team of keynote presenters and consulting futurists are consistently rated as the top presenters at industry events, conferences and strategy sessions. Let one of us be the highlight at your next event! Use one of our proven frameworks, or let us work with you to customise for your specific requirements. Our strategic insights have assisted hundreds of clients to understand tomorrow, and apply that understanding today.For a client list, go to www.tomorrowtoday.biz/clients.html, and client testimonials, go to www.tomorrowtoday.biz/testimonials.html. |
:: Balancing Today & Tomorrow – In a world where you and your competitors are very difficult to tell apart, success comes less and less from WHAT you sell, and more and more from WHO you are and HOW you sell. This presentation provides critical insight into the “connection economy” and presents the secrets for gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage in the 21st century. Presented by: Graeme Codrington, Barrie Bramley, Keith Coats
For more info: www.tomorrowtoday.biz/strategy/balancing-today-and-tomorrow.html |
:: Bright Young Things– Create a culture which will attract, retain and get the most out of your talented staff and customers. Presented by: Graeme Codrington, Barrie Bramley, Aloysias Maimane
For more info:www.tomorrowtoday.biz/talent/bright-young-things.html |
:: Savvy Leadership– A revolutionary new paradigm for 21st century leadership. What leaders need to see, need to know, and need to be in the emerging connection economy. Presented by: Keith Coats, Graeme Codrington
For more info:www.tomorrowtoday.biz/savvy-leadership/savvy-leadership.html |
:: Prime Time– Inspire your ageing workforce to retire, retyre, mentor talent and leave a legacy.Presented by: Pete Laburn
For more info:www.tomorrowtoday.biz/wisdom/prime-time.html |
:: GamePlan2010– Start preparing NOW for the greatest business event in Africa’s history – the World Cup Finals 2010. Presented by: Gary Bailey, Graeme CodringtonFor more info:http://www.tomorrowtoday.biz/strategy/gameplan2010.htm |
:: Mind the Gap– Our award-winning presentation on the generation gap. Presented by: Aloysias Maimane, Raymond de Villiers, Graeme Codrington
For more info:http://www.tomorrowtoday.biz/generations/mind-the-gap.html |
To see biographies of our speakers, go to: http://www.tomorrowtoday.biz/people.htm
Events in South Africa:
Presents: Upcoming Public training courses
Train-the-Trainer programme (or How Not to Get Shot)To date, close on 70 people have gone through our Train-The-Trainer public courses, which are aimed to provide trainers and facilitators with the tools, tips and techniques that experienced trainers rely on. Delegates on previous courses have raved about the course, and the results they have seen in their own training and facilitation. See our website for some testimonials.Participants will be able to facilitate learning in groups, apply adult learning principles, apply the secrets of body language to group dynamics and create an environment which supports learning.
Duration: |
2 days |
Date: |
Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th June 2007 |
Time: |
08:30am – 4:30pm |
Cost: |
R2200.00 per delegate (includes all course material and catering) |
Venue: |
TBC (Johannesburg North) |
Space is limited, be sure to book your place today by contacting: |
Contact: |
Karin Wellman +27 83 600 4623 [email protected]Vicky Solomon +27 82 884 9588 [email protected] |
More information available here.
© TomorrowToday.Biz 2007