Here are my headline top tips for delivering online customer experience for the Silent Generation:
Who are Silent Generation?
This generation were born during the Great Depression and World War 2. Called the Silent generation because kids born during this period in history were expected to be seen not heard.
Why is the Silent Generation important?
They are now in their late sixties and seventies, many of them have benefited from rising housing prices and are relatively financially better off than they ever expected to be, even after the economic crisis of the past two years. There is another reason to consider this generation when developing your online customer experience strategies. According to the National Statistics Silents are the fastest growing generational segment on the internet. Access by those aged 65 plus increased proportionally by 15 per cent, compared with an increase of 3 per cent for the 16-24 age group.
Online customer experience Top Tips:
1. What are the experts saying?: Silents respect opinions of experts
2. Celebrate your past: Highlight your past successes, Silents want to know about the awards you have received. Believe in winning – they value strength and achievement
3. Use the Queen’s English: Poor use of grammar and language is a deal breaker
4. They are concerned about the future: of their grandchildren therefore have a philanthropic approach. Highlight what are you doing to benefit the communities around you.
5. Take them on a journey explaining the benefits: They will often take a “wait and see” attitude with new products