Aiden Choles, ‘Emotional Intelligence in an Economy of Connection’
“Companies need to align their recruitment strategies with the power and relevance of EQ. They need to reinvent their organizations around the role of connections with employees and customers. They need to begin to feel.” So says Aiden Choles in this excellent article, examining the role of Emotional Intelligence in the 21st-century business world.

Dr Graeme Codrington, ‘How to Get the Most Out of a Job You Hate’
There are aspects of work which we all dislike. Drudgery and boredom is not an uncommon experience. However, for some people, it is even worse: many are stuck in jobs they detest and the thought of getting out of bed in the morning is just too much! In this article, Graeme explores how to survive this situation, how to make the most out of it – and how to thrive personally in a seemingly negative situation.

Jean Cooper, ‘Understand What Your Team Needs’
“Just as individuals are unique, teams are unique. Your team has a unique configuration of individuals, it operates in a unique environment and has a unique history and future. How then, if your team has a unique story, is it possible for you to know what to look out for in terms of your team’s development?” These are the questions that Jean seeks to address in this most stimulating and pragmatic article.

Dr Steve Griffiths, ‘GenerationWatch – February 2006’
In the second of his series of articles, Steve explores the latest thinking about Generations on the Internet. Surprisingly, almost all the new thinking this month is about Boomers! Check out this article to see what is being said…

Barrie Bramley and Vicky Solomon, ‘Being Talented’
When we talk about ‘talented’ people, what do we actually mean? The word talent is currently a buzzword and is being thrown about in today’s society but a conclusive definition is hard to come by.