People are our most important asset. This sentence is a standard inclusion in almost every corporate annual statement. Many companies say this, but don’t deliver on both the promise and potential inherent in their people. The HR team are often to blame – for not stepping up and delivering above and beyond the expectations placed on them by the rest of the organisation.
Some of the top HR thinkers and practitioners in the world (73 to be precise) have written essays about “The Rise of HR”, and this has been compiled into a free ebook. They’ve also recorded their thoughts in short videos. It’s all available for free now here. It’s a brilliant read, and highly recommended. Not just for HR practitioners, but for everyone interested in and concerned about getting the most out of people.

Rise of HR cover“In the eBook, the essayists address how increasing numbers of HR professionals are – and should be – the principal stewards of their organizations’ talent by recruiting and cultivating workers with competence and motivation to perform well, by building and maintaining a consistent, lasting and unique culture that enables the organization to thrive and leadership to support the acquisition of skills for meeting short-run goals and delivering long-run stability and growth.
“Collectively, the essays describe how HR practitioners must live up to and even extend expectations of their profession’s growing and evolving role. They focus on how HR professionals and the tools they use must adapt to shifts in demographics and the impacts of technology on the workplace.”

Get it now. You won’t regret it.