I was recently browsing through a bookshop’s recommended books, and saw “25 Things You Need to Know About the Future” by Christopher Barnatt (Constable, 2012 – buy it at Amazon or Kalahari.com). It’s a great primer, and I like the issues he has picked out.
Here’s his list of things you should know about what’s about to change the world. How many of these do you feel you understand reasonably well? More importantly, do you have an idea of how these might impact your business, your marketplace or your life?
- Peak Oil
- Climate change
- Peak water
- Food shortages
- Resource depletion
- 3d printing
- Nanotechnology
- Genetic modification
- Synthetic biology
- Vertical farming
- Electric vehicles
- Wind, wave and kinetic power
- Solar energy
- Nuclear fusion
- Space travel
- Cloud computing
- Artificial intelligence
- Augmented reality
- Quantum computing
- Robots
- Genetic medicine
- Bioprinting
- Cybernetic enhancement
- Life extension
- Transhumanism
What else would you add to this list?
– internet of things
– Personal resilience