We know that the world of work is changing faster now than at any other time. Some have called it a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Big industries and large companies are being hard hit with this turbulent change. And right in the middle of this maelstrom is you.

Maybe you love your job, and possibly it’s the job you were born to do. You’re truly blessed if that’s the case. Even so, are you sure that you’re going to be able to keep on doing your current job for another decade, or more? That’s a question about you. But it’s also a question about how much you know and can anticipate the future of your industry. And, just in case things don’t quite go as planned, what are you doing now to “future proof” your career and be successful no matter how things turn out? How strategic are you being about your own career future?

It was these questions that lay behind my recent book, “Navigating Your Career: 5 steps to success in a new world of work”. I teamed up with career development expert and corporate coach, Kerry Dawkins of Potential at Work to write about a five step model we’ve called ‘navigating your career‘. This is for anyone who wants to future proof their career. You might be straight out studies and looking for your first job. You might be stuck in a job you really don’t like (most disappointing if it was actually supposed to be the career of your dreams, and it hasn’t turned out anything like you expected). Maybe you’re realising that life isn’t what you thought it would be, and you’ve got to change tack quite considerably. Or maybe you are happy and loving your job, but just want to make sure you’re as ‘future-proofed’ as you can be. For any and all of these scenarios, this five step model will provide a solid foundation for career success in a changing world.

Book coverThe book was released last year, and we’re thrilled to have received great feedback and excellent reviews for the work. Here is one that was written for CEO magazine – it’s a PDF file available here. They say:

The slim volume that is Navigating Your Career belies the wealth of information it contains. Yes, you can read it in a weekend, but, as the authors point out, navigating your career and overcoming career dilemmas require a mind-set change and action, that is, thinking and behaving differently over time…. Sadly there is no quick-fix solution to career success, but the good news is that the skills needed to navigate your career can be learnt, easily applied and are detailed in the book. The world of work has never been as difficult or complicated as it is right now, but there have never been as many opportunities. You can spend every day of your life doing something that you love and which contributes to the world, maintain authors Graeme Codrington and Kerry Dawkins, as long as you treat your career as a journey to be navigated.

The 5 Steps to Success in the New World of Work that we detail in the book are:
1. Understand you.
2. Understand the new world of work.
3. Create possibilities.
4. Make it happen.
5. Stay on top of your game.

Each chapter introduces a model to help you understand and practically apply the step. It then has a number of case studies that run through the book, to provide examples of how certain archetyple people have approached each step. There is a full resource list provided in each chapter, and finally a set of coaching actions to take to apply the chapter in your life and career. We have also provided a companion website that provides online versions of some of the tools we included in the book – this is available to anyone here.

If you would like to buy a copy of the book, there are a variety of options available, including the following:
* Paperback:
  – Amazon.com
  – Amazon.co.uk
  – Kalahari.com

* Electronic / ebook:
  – Kindle @Amazon.com
  – Kindle @Amazon.co.uk
  – Kalahari.com
  – Kobo
  – Exclusive Books

We would be able to provide discounts on bulk copies. If you’d like more than 50 copies, please contact us to find out about this.