I was asked by a US based client to record a few videos for them to get their team thinking about change and success in the digital age we are entering. I thought I’d share one or two of these with you. This one is 9 minutes long and is a simple overview of the principles that underly the development of the digital age.

The question for you is simple: how do these principles play out in your products and services? The message is simple: you must do more and more of these things. How are you doing?

The principles for success in the digital age that I outline in the video are:

  • Mobile (Convergent)
  • Community
  • Social (communal)
  • Customisation
  • Immediate (Current, contiguous)
  • Conversation
  • Consistency / Constant
  • Clever, quirky, fun

This is not a comprehensive list. What would you add to this list?