Every now and then, as we do, I ask Google to fetch me some interesting stuff to look at and ponder. Last week, the topic on my mind was, Talent Assessment? Was anyone doing anything interesting with it?
The short answer, in my opinion, NO! Here’s my Google Search result, if you’d like to look for yourself.
I say that because the results that came back, simply look like assessments from 20 and 30 years ago that have the word Talent attached to them. In the top 10 was an ‘advice column’ with the following:
The ideal suite of assessments will provide reliable information on the candidate’s track record, pattern of behavior, management style, competency profile, and potential for greater responsibilities. A complementary set of assessments includes some the following tools:
- Performance Evaluations
- Psychometric Tests
- 360-Degree Feedback Surveys
- Employee Engagement Scores
- Trait-Based Assessments
- Talent Interviews
I’m disappointed because we’re not working in the same environment of 20-30 years ago. The ‘world of work’ has shifted, and continues to shift. I was hoping I’d see some new tools driven by some new thinking. The focus on ‘Talent’ within business was supposed to give a renewed energy to people practices and approaches. It’s been an opportunity to re-think and re-wire our organisations and how we do business together.
With all the information available to us around the new emerging worker, I really was expecting some new thinking around what we were assessing. Things like, need for flexibility; strength of connection to their work community; alumni tracking tools; optimum stress assessments and monitoring; exit prediction, and even happiness?
All is not lost for me in this space. I do continue to have real life meetings with clever people doing interesting things in this space, as we continue to strengthen our offering to our clients around building a useful Talent offering. It’s just Google who isn’t speaking to the smartest people in the room. Apparently just the loudest : )
If you’re reading this and have come across some interesting thinking in this space, I’d love to hear about it.
The tools you mentioned are really profitable for an organizations. But the main thing is what the method is adopted by the management for improving the business and making the business more profiterole. This complement of tools have great importance in business point of view. These tools plays a vital role in making progress and minimizing the hurdles in the way of progress.