Have you ever heard about Tweetjects? – objects that Tweet, It’s a term coined by Dr Andy Stanford-Clark, IBM’s Master Inventor (that has to be the coolest title out there!) and he is on a quest to enable objects to provide people with relevant information without us having to seek out this information. It’s cutting edge stuff and you can learn more about Tweetjects here

Meet yesiamprecious a bike that is tweeting it’s way across America, sharing every sweatin’ mile of joy and heartache. Precious’s brain is an on-board device that captures all of his experiences, combined with a cloud-based system that analyzes those experiences. Put this all together and get a bike that’s able to express itself in his own words. He shares his up-to-the-moment thoughts, and has a subconscious which allows him to dream about all he’s been through. The bike’s “thoughts” are then documented on Twitter account and on the Precious site

Why do this? It’s all part of a really clever way to use social media to raise funds for the Livestrong Foundation – The Lance Armstrong Foundation unites, inspires and empowers people affected by cancer.