In our presentation on the different generations called Mind the Gap, we refer to 1968 as a major social tipping point. It was a year in which Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated. Students rioted in Paris and commentators speculated the start of the second French revolution. There were massive anti war demonstrations in Grovenor Square London outside the US Embassy and in Vietnam the Tet Offensive began. France tested it’s first hydrogen bomb and Apollo 8 became the first human spaceflight mission to see the far side of the moon with their own eyes, as well as the first humans to see planet Earth rise above the moon. 1968 was called the “year that rocked the world”.
But imagine living through 1968, a year of turmoil, and trying to predict what life would be like today. If you were living back then would you have predicted that by 2010, three intrepid explorers would be paragliding across the Himalayas, sharing their experiences and tracking their progress using little more than an iPhone? That is what Brad Sander, Antoine Laurens and Mike Laengle are doing at the moment. Two weeks into an six week long Himalayan Odyssey you can follow their live progress and blogs here We are now not only able to speak to anyone anywhere in the world 24/7 but we can use our phones to track our position using GPS and relay the information realtime back to followers around the globe. 1968 may not have resulted in the second French Revolution but it did result in a massive social and technological revolution that few could’ve imagined.