I am sitting at the Liquified Petroleum Gas South African annual convention. The global marketing head, Michael Kelly, from the World body just presented a fascinating study of indoor pollution in Africa. I thought I wouldn’t be interested, but then he started with this fact:
Indoor smoke inhalation kills one person every 30 seconds in Africa. 1.9 million people are killed worldwide by smoke inhalation every year. Put another way, smoke inhalation and its complications account for more deaths than malaria, which is the biggest killer disease in Africa. It is the fourth biggest cause of death in developing nations.
LP Gas advocates the use of gas rather than wood/coal/oil (carbon/biomass)-based fuels. Its easy to use, easy to transport and store, and safe (much safer than paraffin/kerosene). It seems that a lot of work has to be done to get this fuel to Africa.
Just one of the ways we could upgrade Africa to be world class…