HugIf you’ve read what we have to say about the Connection Economy then you’ll know that we’re moving toward the 3rd human frontier. At the end of the Industrial era we’d mastered the physical, we’re currently mastering the mental and we’re now entering the frontier of emotional. Hence the ‘Connection Economy’. An economy/society in which connections will dominate. This is how you’ll differentiate yourself going forward. Go here for more detail.
If we look at some of the ‘absurd’ inventions and developments around the emergence of both the physical and mental economies, then it’s not going to surprise you to read of ‘Internet Driven Hugging’? Or is it? If we’re going to explore what it means to connect emotionally, then we’re going to have to move into the realm of ‘internet driven hugs’ and beyond. To places no person has gone before. We are the bold navigators discovering new spaces and places. And if you think I’m being a little dramatic and over the top, then do me a favour and ‘watch this space’. This is just the begining.