You have often heard me rave about Seth Godin here and on the TomorrowConnecting blog. Seth is a widely admired and respected marketing guru and web commentator (I would highly recommend a visit to his blog).
Seth recently launched The Big Moo, a book that encourages companies and organisations to “stop trying to be perfect and start being remarkable”. Extremely keen to get my hands on a copy, I was stoked when I heard that the lads at Jo’blog were handing out free advance uncorrected proofs. How did they get hold of free copies, you ask? Well, the answer to that question is just one of the many reasons why this is a remarkable project:
* Before it’s official release, Seth posted this appeal, which announced the book and asked readers of his blog to spread the word that he was making 10,000 galleys (advanced copies) available in packs of 50 to ANYONE who wanted them, with the understanding that they were not for resale and ideall to be shared. Within days he had responses from all over the globe. Jo’blog was just one of them. How’s that for remarkable marketing?
* Another remarkable feature of the book is the collection of authors who contributed essays and short stories to it. 33 leading business thinkers including Tom Peters, Malcolm Gladwell, Jackie Huba and Mark Cuban (to name a few) all contributed freely of their wisdom to compile an easy-to-read selection of meaningful, relevant and inspiring stories (all great resources if you do presentations). None of the essays credit the authors, so there are no preconceived expectations. You know who contributed to the whole, but not who the individual parts belong to.
* None of these contributors charged a fee, and no-one will make a profit from the sales. All proceeds go to three preselected charities. In fact, a school in Nepal has already been built thanks to the Big Moo and it’s authors.
I’ve finished the book and thought it was great. It’s really quick and simple to read, is current and relevant and has some nice new thinking thrown into it. I would highly recommend that you buy a few for your company – they’re not pricy at all.
You can order the book here.
Hey, Mike – in the spirit of free sharing could I please borrow the book after you? Thanks!
Damn, I thought you were going to offer to give your copy to someone, a la Pay it Forward.
[pick me, pick me] 😉
You’re more than welcome to have my copy, you’ll just have to get in queue. Barrie wants it first…
Well, let’s be fair about this and do it alphabetically – which means Barrie gets it AFTER me, and then it’s Celeste’s turn. Sorry Roger.. 🙂
that suits me fine … Aiden starts with A, sorry for you losers
oh, and i is before n Anj
s’okay – I’ll be nice to little people. As long as you know I’ll be breathing down your neck. So read fast!
Heeyyy!!!! If we’re going to be entirely fair then M comes waaayyyy after A and just before R – so move to second last in the queue – please. 🙂
and that should have been moooooove….
And I just changed my name to ‘1’ and we all know that numbers come before letters. And just in case you get smart I changed it again to ‘~1’ cos that’s right at the begining.
Well, you’d better read reaaaallllllyyyy fast – cos if you ask my kids, I have perfected the art of nagging. 🙂
Hi Nuf – how’s the reading? Done yet?