Quality controlRecently we had an internal conversation about how (and IF) to manage quality on our blog. I thought you’d like to peek into this issue…
Michael asked, “There are still just two words that concern me about blogging … Quality Control. How do we implement that in an environment with free flow of information … or maybe better yet – do we need to control it? How do let our customers know what the difference is between an uneducated opinion, and some well thought out prose?”
Graeme replied, “I still think that we need to think ‘comment not censorship’ (PS – if that phrase ever becomes legend, remember where you first heard it). The key to quality control is not to control what gets put onto the blog, but rather to comment on everything that is put in, and put out a “quality” and “company” position.

And Barrie added: “May I suggest a couple of Blogs that may deal with your concerns…. (and they’re of some awesome quality and terrible quality – isn’t that
http://www.tmtd.biz/category/blogging/ – These are all the blogs about blogging on our blog (take a brief journey through)
http://www.tmtd.biz/2005/07/14/fire-me-for-thinking/ – then you got the blog about people being fired for the content of their blogs
http://www.tmtd.biz/2005/06/23/conversations-vs-information/ – then of course there’s the famous one from Keith that got a lot of conversation going and not a lot of information. In fact much of your concerns were raised in this one.
http://www.tmtd.biz/2005/06/25/our-need-to-contain-control-and-understand/ – and the response.”