G8 2004Ok – I have to blog about this … G8. The UK is practically in a frenzy over this! And I’m just wondering what discussions (if any) are happening in SA (or Africa as a whole)?
The thing is – we talk about the “connection” economy – but I don’t believe that only applies in a business sense. While the “Make Poverty History” campaign does not target Africa alone – it is a primary focus.
So where does that leave South Africa? With some of the worlds poorest countries as our neighbours – what responsibilty do we as South African’s have with regards to this issue? And what role does busines play? And what about the poverty in South Africa? (The maxim “charity begins at home” springs to mind…)
So many questions – not enough answers!
I don’t want to spark any fierce political debate here … but would like to hear anyones thoughts on this?