What’s a vlog? Simple – a Video webLOG. Cameras are rather cheap and so many people have one. Combine that with low-end video editing software (iMovie on Mac, in this case, but Windows Movie Maker also does the job) and voila, your thoughts get communicated in a more personal way. Here’s our first vlog – from the HRDA expo a few weeks back. Graeme and Buhle get to say something profound, Lynda is rather chuffed at teaching Graeme something and there’s even a (topical?) crash on the playstation. Click on the image to view the vlog (Quicktime required).
Awesome Roger. Bet there were more than six cars racing on the playstation [See Graeme’s post on professional sport elsewhere in the blog].
Nicely done. BTW, is that “I made this” Roger?
Yes, it is – soon to be “Burning dog” Roger…hope things are going well at M*ssing L*nk 🙂
Never a dull moment 😉
I still need to thank you for Conrad, I clicked on your link from here and that’s how I found him.
Burning dog, nice…!
Excellent stuff. George Lucus step aside!
Ah yes, the great connectivity of the internet…bringing us all closer together…
Conrad is indeed the graphics genius and has thanked me profusely for the job (not that I did anything – it was more your own curiousity). Hope you do something suprising for him next week Tues – his bday. I hear you’ve sent him on a Maya course. Awesome – got to see a demo of it today at the Mediatech expo at the Sandton Convention Centre – just all kinds of wow – and stuff I’d like to get into someday.