The other day an email went round my company saying that “Casual Friday” was now being cancelled and that no one would be allowed to wear jeans anymore.
Dilbert book cover“Casual Friday” was a privilege (for which employees were asked to donate $1 to charity) and it had been abused. (Apparently. I can only assume that someone at head office had arrived at work looking a little sloppy and had obviously caught the eye of the MD.)
The uproar and debate that this caused! All over jeans. (What would Mr Levi Strauss think of all this??)
The thing is – I totally understand the management team wanting to maintain a certain standard and appearance. What I don’t understand is why not address the sloppy individual? Why is everyone suddenly lumped into the same boat?
Oh – and if anyone does arrive to work in jeans their manager will send them home, they will have to change, and work in the hours they have missed as a result. It really made me laugh – because I thought – well, why not send the sloppy dressers home to change then?? No no … just those crazy folk wearing jeans. (I am thinking that the poor jeans are really the scape goat of this sad little tale.)
I work for a global company – and I have to say, this kind of thinking made me quite relieved that I am in fact moving on. I didn’t ever consider myself poorly groomed … but apparently it’s all in my jeans.