This week’s combination of resources and articles offers insights and practical resources to help you equip yourself with the skills required in these disruptive times, as well as for the Future of Work.


Episode 2: The Future of Organisational Design | The TomorrowToday Podcast.

The latest episode of The TomorrowToday Podcast is out, and Buhle and Graeme discuss how organisations are designed, why merely optimising existing structures is no longer sufficient, and why leaders need to rather re-evaluate and potentially re-imagine their organisations to create future-fit entities capable of navigating the challenges of the coming decade and beyond.

Listen to the episode here or watch it on YouTube.


Fish Discover Water Last by Keith Coats

When we are immersed in something we tend not to notice the obvious. We don’t see what we ‘take as a given’ – what we take for granted. We tend not to see our own context… like fish that discover water last.

Read Keith’s most recent article to learn about five things that you can do to help ensure that you aren’t caught unaware and surprised by changing conditions in the world of work.


Organisational Strategy: The 3D Strategy Model.

In this week’s podcast episode, Buhle interviews Chief Exploration Officer at TomorrowToday Consulting, Dean van Leeuwen, about organisational strategy. They discuss our 3D Strategy Model, which provides a structured approach to complex business challenges. The framework consists of three dimensions: strategic foundations, strategic essentials and strategic differentiators.

The 3D Strategy framework transcends traditional strategy formulation, focusing on deep alignment with each client’s unique identity and market position, ensuring they lead in their respective fields through innovation and strategic foresight.

For an in-depth look at this framework, you can visit our website or email our Consulting team to see how we can help your organisation.


Got a Minute? Graeme and Keith on the biggest mistake leaders are making!

Have you got a minute? Watch this video Keith Coats recorded with Graeme Codrington on the biggest mistake leaders are making at the moment.

Keith suggests it is a failure of imagination. How would you have answered the question?


To Drive Innovation with GenAI, Start by Questioning Your Assumptions by Alan Iny, Justin Manly, and Luc de Brabandere.

In the quest for innovation, Generative AI’s most obvious contribution is in idea generation. Yet it can play an even more important role in helping organisations question their strategic assumptions. By bringing an outsider’s perspective free of human biases, GenAI can be a valuable “member” of an innovation team.

Read the full article on innovation strategy and delivery from BCG here.


You’re welcome to contact us for more information on how we can partner with you. Our global team of futurists can assist through our sought after keynote presentations, facilitated workshops and strategy sessions to help you and your team face the future with confidence. Let’s start the conversation…

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