The changing work habits of young people
Johnson Controls, a company specialising in "optimising the energy and operational efficiency of buildings", has been conducting global workplace research into what type of work environment today's young people are looking for. It's called the Oxygenz Workplace study...
How industry destroyed labour (OR we need some passion back)
Last week, on the US Labor Day holiday, Seth Godin's blog carried an interesting insight into how labour changed as the industrial revolution reached its zenith. You can read an extract below. If you follow the thought through, then it must be a warning to us about...
Africa votes more, but struggles to grow democracy
Thabo Mbeki proudly announced at the start of his presidency of South Africa that this century would be "Africa's century". That may or may not be true (and China and India would have something to say about it, too), but whatever happens in this century, Africa needs...
Google Instant: The Future of Search?
Last week I wrote a post posing the question "Is Google becoming a former supermodel". Here is an excerpt from that post "In the rapidly changing world of the Internet, Google has become one of its superstars...Growth though is slowing and competition is on the...
Vital Leadership Skills for the 21st Century: A Global Mindset
The world is not really flat. Not yet, anyway. In his best-selling book about globalisation in the 21st century, Thomas Friedman suggested that it was. He argued that massive advances in telecommunications and ten converging trends had “flattened” the world and...
Banks come full circle and recognise the importance of customer experience
There appears to be growing recognition by retail banks that to compete in the new world of work they need to focus not only on processes and efficiencies but more importantly on customer experience and service, so says the Financial Times in an interesting article...
The printed Oxford English Dictionary is no more
The times are truly changing. In a press release earlier this week, the Oxford English Dictionary announced that it may never again be released in print. This is not as bad as it sounds - it relates only to the third full edition of the 20 volume complete OED (known...
Is Google becoming a former supermodel?
In the rapidly changing world of the Internet, Google has become one of its superstars. Within little more than a decade Google has risen to be a giant in the industry with almost 20,000 employees, revenue of $23.6 billion and profits of $6.5 billion. Growth though is...
Declining Job Markets everywhere – even chicken sexers are changing
I had to check that it wasn't April Fool's Day when I read an article yesterday. It tells the story of an industry that is changing. On this blog, we try to provide the reasons why the future of world of work is changing and give insights into what it might look like....
Constant Change must be a Continuous Business Process
At TomorrowToday we are convinced that the decade ahead will be the most turbulent that any of us have ever experienced. The change will not be spectacular (in the sense that there will be world changing changes), but rather that the speed and complexity of change...
Gartner Says the World of Work Will Witness 10 Changes During the Next 10 Years
I was recently sent this list by email. A quick Google search points to the source at Gartner. It's a quick read and has some useful insights and thought provokers. The world of today is dramatically different from 20 years ago and with the lines between work and...
A new normal – a new reality – for the economy
This is an excellent interview with Mark Anderson, the editor, publisher, and chief correspondent of the Strategic News Service newsletter. It was conducted by S+B (Booz & Co's ezine) in July, and gives one view of the "new normal" that is emerging. Well worth a read:...
Mind Games – games where thinking REALLY counts
Got sent a link from Faaiez (twitter username : ) Very short article from The Los Angeles Times profiling some new games that require you to really engage your mind in order to play them. Engage as in, in order to move things you have to think them into action....
How much Klout do you have on Twitter?
I mainly use two online apps to run the Twitter accounts I run. And I use these two because they do very different things. There are some things I need to do from time to time where the one trumps the other, and visa versa for other things. So there's no getting rid...
Precious – a bicycle that Tweets!
Have you ever heard about Tweetjects? - objects that Tweet, It's a term coined by Dr Andy Stanford-Clark, IBM's Master Inventor (that has to be the coolest title out there!) and he is on a quest to enable objects to provide people with relevant information without us...
Cell C may need more than (Trevor) Noah’s Ark to get them out of this one?
I'm sure it started out as a great idea at CellC Marketing HQ? The mobile phone industry has a mostly terrible name when it comes to customer service. Lines drop all the time, prices cripple you, data crawls regularly and call centers frustrate whatever life you still...
Flattr Update – How paying for content is shifting and changing
A while back I wrote about new models for paying for content online. One of the new developments I wrote about was Flattr. It's a 'closed system' that allows you to pay people for the content they produce, as long as they're part of the Flattr system. I like the ethos...
Where are the markets going? No-one really knows, and that's the 'new normal'
One of the strong messages of our work on future trends is that this recession has been more than just a financial downturn. In almost every industry we work in, the past two years have seen the acceleration of forces and drivers of change that are changing the...
Where are the markets going? No-one really knows, and that’s the ‘new normal’
One of the strong messages of our work on future trends is that this recession has been more than just a financial downturn. In almost every industry we work in, the past two years have seen the acceleration of forces and drivers of change that are changing the...
Men your time is up!
I came across a very interesting and well written article in The Atlantic which examines the world in which women have now emerged as the majority workforce for the first time in US history. This is an incredible milestone and here are a few of the facts driving this...