It Won’t Happen To Us – Learning from Failure: 2 case studies
From the 1955 Fortune 500 list, only 71 companies still have their doors open for business. Given the status and entrenched success that goes with being listed in the Fortune 500, that is an alarming attrition rate. Big companies fail. Successful big companies fail....
What will smartphones do in 2018 that they aren’t doing in 2016?
At TomorrowToday Global, we don’t normally get involved in consumer trends or short-term predictions, especially about technology. We’re perfectly happy to wait for the next iPhone or Android update to be released and then do an assessment of its specifications. Our...
Don’t ask your kids what they WANT TO BE when they grow up but WHAT PROBLEMS DO THEY WANT TO SOLVE
The people and organisations who will be truly successful in the 21st century will not be those who develop a slightly better product or service than what already exists or the next best dating or social media App, but those who look at their world and ask the...
FastCompany’s predictions for the news stories of 2016
It's that time of year when we look back in review and ahead in anticipation. At TomorrowToday, we don't often indulge in the headline grabbing short-term predictions so popular in the media as one year changes over to the next, but this list from Fast Company caught...
Seeing the Invisible: Shedding light on our blindness
It has been said that we ‘don’t see the world as it is but rather we see the world as we are’. This is very true and it also happens to be the first step along the pathway towards emotional intelligence. It is the gateway to recognising that we each have lenses...
Listed in the Futurist Influence Rankings
Ross Dawson, one of the world's leading futurist, curates a list of the world's top futurists, rated by their online influence. The measurement is fairly crude, based on Twitter followers, Alexa and Klout rankings, and is intended to simply measure the number of...
The Future of Sex
The Internet of Things is the new industrial revolution. It's part of an era-shift taking place in history, driven by extraordinary computing power, unprecedented access to information, and a social web that connects us not only to each other, but also - eventually -...
How to study at MIT, Harvard, or Stanford for free
One of the macro trends in today's world is that people are living longer. This has a number of implications in a variety of areas, including our careers. When we lived into our 70’s or 80’s we ended up working for 30 or so years. If however, as the trends indicate,...
“If you find what you do each day seems to have no link to any higher purpose, you probably want to rethink what you're doing.” says Ronald Heifetz, the Founding Director of the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School and the leading global...
Quests have advanced societies since the dawning of civilisation. What are the benefits of the leaders’ quest?
ESPN Coach of the Century Vince Lombardi said: “I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour – his greatest fulfilment to all he holds dear – is that moment when he has to work his heart out in a good cause and he’s exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.” Here,...
See No Evil; Hear No Evil; Speak No Evil: 3 Trends that (might) Surprise
Demographics are a strange thing. They single a shift from the centre and if you are not paying attention, that shift can create an imbalance from which it is hard to recover. Demographic shifts are usually perceived as slow yet unexpected events can cause the shift...
The rules for competitive advantage have shifted
Organisations wishing to thrive and gain competitive advantage over the next decades should focus on delivering meaningful benefits in a world that is struggling to sustain the growing demands of the 9.6 billion people that will inhabit our blue planet by the middle...
Discover the secret to future proofing yourself from robotic replacement
It’s worth bearing in mind that the advances over this century in robotics and intelligent machine learning applications mean that many of the knowledge jobs once taken as being safe from automation are now under threat. If you want to future-proof yourself from...
Digital Disruption in Unexpected Places
If you attend a few conferences this year, you'll see this a few times: Uber is the world's largest taxi company, but owns no cars. AirBnb is the world' largest hotel group, but owns no property. Alibaba is the world's largest retailer, but owns no stock or retail...
It’s official: We are living in the future
It's 21 October 2015, and this is the future. At least, it is if you're a fan of the hugely successful Back to the Future film franchise. In Back to Future II, Marty McFly and Doc Emmett Brown leap 30 years into their future to fix a problem with Marty's children. The...
Video series: Disruptive trends shaping our world
Over the past few months, I have recorded a series of short videos that give bite-sized inputs into the disruptive forces that are shaping our world right now. These videos are 45 seconds to 2 minutes in length, and are ideal conversation starters for your team...
Tomorrowland Leaders – pulling the future forward
In Hacking Leadership, author Myatt wrote, ‘Great leaders don’t move towards the future, they bring the future to them – they pull the future forward. In TomorrowToday we talk a great deal about the need for leaders to be ‘futurefit’ and as important as this is, it...
A Thoughtful Response to – Would you use Performance Enhancing Chemicals at Work
A recent article I wrote on performance enhancing drugs in the workplace received great interaction once it was published online. Andrew sent a personal message to me and it was so inline with the engagement that I was hoping for that I asked him to write a response...
Our Changing World: Facts and figures to blow your mind
Our team at TomorrowToday Global tracks the disruptive forces shaping the world right now, and attempts to predict where some of these will take us. We don't have a crystal ball, but for nearly two decades we've been honing our ability to do this, and have a fairly...
Meeting with Jim Dator. Futurist. Legend
Recently I had the privilege to meet with Futurist Jim Dator of the University of Hawaii. Jim is renown in futurists’ circles and has left an indelible impression on the disciple of Futures. He has also appeared (as himself) on the TV show South Park, something not...