Future Trends

The latest news and future trends in business

New gas markets are opening up

One of the major issues we are all facing is the looming energy crisis. Dwindling oil supplies, pollution from dirty energy sources (such as oil and coal) and growing fears around global warming are all combining to create a fairly bleak future. The solutions are...

Airport security is a sham

My team and I travel a lot. We have literally millions of air miles between us over the past decade. And we all hate airports and airlines. We mainly hate them because they lie to you. It can't be that difficult to keep passengers up to date with what is happening...

A Radical Proposal for Executive Pay

Everyone agrees that something must be done about executive pay. One of the major contentious issues emerging out of the financial crisis is the way that senior executives and manager, especially in the financial industries, are remunerated. These days, executive pay...

Gen Y are not a pushover

Miranda Devine is a Sydney Morning Herald columnist, and recently wrote an excellent piece on Australia's Gen Y (young people now in the teens and early 20s). She had just witnessed a group of 400 of them grilling Kevin Rudd, the Aussie PM - and they had given him a...

The Internet? Bah!

Many years ago, in a South Africa finding it's way to it's first democratic election, a friend of mine would often say, "Don't be a victim of your own words." He of course was referring to saying things that might come back and bite you down the road. And in an...

Learnings around working from home

One of the emerging requests/trends in today's business environment centers around the mystery of 'working from home'. Many people talk with much  gravitas about the 'ins and outs'. However, in my experience, once you dig under the surface a little, you discover how...

Gen Y in Japan not consumerising

Interesting article from CNN Go Asia on 8 Feb 2010 about Japanese Gen Y simply not buying. How times have changed. Japan's Generation Y have become famous for hating to buy anything. They were first reluctant to buy cars. And now we find out that Japanese youth are...