Future Trends

The latest news and future trends in business

Changing the way I Read

Changing the way I Read

For those of you who follow the TomorrowToday blog regularly, you'll know that one of my interests during 2010 was the shifting landscape of reading. All kinds of reading. Books, Newspapers, Magazines. What we were reading on? How we were going to pay for it? How...

The biggest global challenges in 2011

The biggest global challenges in 2011

As I look ahead to what 2011 might hold for the global economy, there are a number of key threats that need close watching. Some are known and fairly predictable threats: war in the Middle East continued evidence of state sponsored cyber warfare the economic crisis in...

The biggest global challenges in 2011

As I look ahead to what 2011 might hold for the global economy, there are a number of key threats that need close watching. Some are known and fairly predictable threats: war in the Middle East continued evidence of state sponsored cyber warfare the economic crisis in...

Why do firms exist?

This is a question we constantly ask ourselves and our clients at TomorrowToday. The firm is a relatively new model in society and with the growth of multi-national corporations over the past fifty years, the firm has become the business model of efficiency and...

So, we think we know everything

We live in the 21st century. By now, we feel, we should have solved life's mysteries, understood the functioning of the universe and made sure that the only surprises we face are those created for us by other human beings. But that is not so. The promise of modernism...