Capitalism in Crisis
The FT has launched a provocative new series called Capitalism in Crisis. At TomorrowToday we've been pointing this out for the past ten years and helping leading companies find solutions. We are excited that the general mass media is at long last catching up....
Generation Why And All Their Potential
Every generation thinks that the one that comes after them are somehow going to ruin the planet, the business or the 'system' by causing chaos, disrupting the way things 'have always been done' and generally making everybody 'who knows what's going' life on a lot of...
X’s, Y’s and a T-shape of Skills
I’ve read two great articles by The Fast Company in the last week. The first, “Generation Flux” talks about so many things that fascinate and excite us at TomorrowToday – the pace of change in business (and everywhere else as well), the response of Generation X and...
Making the most of IM in your business
Our team in the UK have recently been involved in analysing the results of a new survey released earlier this week by Symantec. It focused on the issue of instant messaging, and discovered that although many people understand the benefits of using IM in business, not...
Making the most of IM in your business
UK firms are missing out on the business benefits of Instant Messaging (IM) because of security concerns, according to research released yesterday by Symantec Corp. This is despite the fact that 75% of office workers who use IM for work value the speed and immediacy...
Exploring the Future: What Leaders Need to Learn
Sitting with two of my kids the other day I asked them, “so what can we learn from the great Explorers of the past?” – a probing question fueled by something I was reading at the time. “Like the guys who sailed around?” responded one of the Saplings … (this is what I...
Exploring the Future: What Leaders Need to Learn
Sitting with two of my kids the other day I asked them, “so what can we learn from the great Explorers of the past?” – a probing question fueled by something I was reading at the time. “Like the guys who sailed around?” responded one of the Saplings … (this is what I...
This changing world demands we redefine leadership
Pete Laburn recently sourced this excellent article by journalist, Judith Ancer. The original source has now been removed, for some reason, so I have included it in full below. Although primarily directed a parents raising children, this piece epitomises what I...
Why people follow brands on social media – insights for social marketers
I was watching a video by one of Microsoft UK's top digital marketing strategists (you can too, it's available on YouTube, courtesy of Digital Surrey). In it, he shows research about why people follow brands on social media. It's very insightful. Before you look at...
Why people follow brands on social media – insights for social marketers
I was watching a video by one of Microsoft UK's top digital marketing strategists (you can too, it's available on YouTube, courtesy of Digital Surrey). In it, he shows research about why people follow brands on social media. It's very insightful. Before you look at...
America in 2012 – an important, and scary year lies ahead
It was Abraham Lincoln who said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." I am not one of the doomsayers about America's future. I think the American "empire" has a long way to...
A Call for Audacity!
“The world needs invention and daring now more than ever. Now is the time for audacity, not austerity." This month's HBR is spotlighting being happy and being audacious. Why are we not exploiting the power of happiness and why are we not encouraging audaciousness? We...
The challenges and opportunities facing South Africa in 2012
Trevor Manuel was moved our of the Treasury some time ago and has spent much of his time in a new entity called the National Planning Commission (NPC) of South Africa. The NPC is tasked with identifying and responding to the key challenges facing the nation. They are...
Christmas card etiquette in a digital age
It used to be an art form. Sending Christmas cards, that is. You had to select just the right card to portray the right message: not too wintry if you're southern hemisphere, not to secular if you're religious (or vice versa), and always consider buying from a charity...
New Fracture Lines on the Middle East – commentary from Sir Jeremy Greenstock
Our friends and colleagues at Gatehouse Advisory Partners do constant analysis of the changing geopolitical landscape we live in. As ex-diplomats, they're well connected and have deep insights not only into what is happening on the surface but also some of the...
Retailers innovate in an attempt to tempt
We are well into the Christmas shopping season and most foresee a tough time for retailers in the UK. Visa reports spending for last week was down 6.2% against the equivalent week last year, and 2.3% down over the past 4 weeks. Given higher fuel and food costs,...
The sharing spirit
One of Time Magazine’s “10 Ideas that Will Change the World”, Collaborative Consumption is a term first coined by Ray Algar back in 2007, in response to the explosive growth of Wikipedia, TripAdvisor, eBay and Dynamic Pricing. Today, the term is used to describe the...
Education for the new world of work (vidcast)
Last week I was asked by the great team at Enviable to experiment by doing a video podcast for them instead of something written. So, here's a 12 minute discussion on the role of education in the new world of work, and what we need to do to change...
Education for the new world of work (vidcast)
Last week I was asked by the great team at Enviable to experiment by doing a video podcast for them instead of something written. So, here's a 12 minute discussion on the role of education in the new world of work, and what we need to do to change...
Good to Great… to Gone!
Jim Collins got it wrong. Not totally wrong, but wrong enough that we need to be careful (as always) about who we listen to when designing companies for future success. Too often, leaders take a shortcut and blindly apply models they find somewhere else, without doing...