Future of Work

The latest news and future trends in business

Capitalism in Crisis

The FT has launched a provocative new series called Capitalism in Crisis. At TomorrowToday we've been pointing this out for the past ten years and helping leading companies find solutions. We are excited that the general mass media is at long last catching up....

A Call for Audacity!

A Call for Audacity!

“The world needs invention and daring now more than ever. Now is the time for audacity, not austerity." This month's HBR is spotlighting being happy and being audacious.  Why are we not exploiting the power of happiness and why are we not encouraging audaciousness? We...

The sharing spirit

The sharing spirit

One of Time Magazine’s “10 Ideas that Will Change the World”, Collaborative Consumption is a term first coined by Ray Algar back in 2007, in response to the explosive growth of Wikipedia, TripAdvisor, eBay and Dynamic Pricing.  Today, the term is used to describe the...

Good to Great… to Gone!

Good to Great… to Gone!

Jim Collins got it wrong. Not totally wrong, but wrong enough that we need to be careful (as always) about who we listen to when designing companies for future success. Too often, leaders take a shortcut and blindly apply models they find somewhere else, without doing...