The seemlessness of a transition affects how successful individuals and businesses are under disruption. Organisations must become better at unlearning and adopt this as a way of life if they are to transition well and take all members of the team on the journey.
Disruption is not the enemy, it’s our inability to swiftly transition from one ‘normal’ to another that is the enemy, and unlearning is the answer.

Navigating Transitions Uses An UnLearning framework.

Transitions are uncomfortable, and this often dissuades and discourages teams from transitioning successfully. The presentation, Navigating Transitions uses ambiguity exercises to introduce this discomfort or confusion and then encourage teams to see the discomfort for what it is – an invitation to unlearn and cross over.
The presentation makes clear why the discomfort exists and why we often fail to transition in its presence.
UnLearning approaches transitions with a known to unknown strategy. We understand that the biggest hurdle with transitions is an anxiety around what we do not know, and how that takes us away from the familiar.
Using key principles of UnLearning, the presentation and workshop helps teams take stock of who they were, understand their power and successfully grab hold of a new identity.
take home value
- Teach techniques that help to make successful transitions in life and business.
- Shed light on why some some companies succeed while others fail when transitioning.
- Help teams appreciate and understand the pivotal UnLearning factors that contribute to making successful transitions.
- Evoke attitudes of patience, courage and enthusiasm when approaching transitions.