Research is consistently pointing to hybrid work as one of the most disruptive legacies of Covid.
The good news is that teams continuing to work remotely or adopting a hybrid work model can build healthy and thriving teams in the new world of work.
There are five ingredients on which to build these healthy remote and hybrid workplaces:
- A sense of Belonging
- A sense of Mastery
- A sense of Autonomy
- A sense of Generosity
- A sense of Purpose in our people, teams and organisations
There are two options available:

1. A full day virtual workshop
(6 hours in total, excluding breaks) – this could be split over two days (i.e. 3 hours at a time). The maximum number of participants in each workshop would be 15.

2. A hybrid workshop, with a mix of live virtual sessions and pre-recorded self-study programs, using videos and a workbook.
It works like this:
- A “live” virtual 30-40 minute kickoff session that everyone attends, which explains the program and gets everyone excited about what they will learn.
- A series of videos, with a workbook that guides people through the content. For this course, there are 6 modules, each with around 4 videos of about 15-20 minutes each. It’s a total of around 6 hours of workshop time, with a workbook with reflection questions that guide the participants through the program.
- Most clients choose to release one module per week over a 6 week period, to “drip-feed” the content to participants, and also maintain the momentum of the program.
- We are able to offer weekly reports on who is completing the modules, and who is falling behind.
- After the agreed period of time allocated for participants to go through the online learning modules, there is a final live workshop session where participants can bring any questions, can interact live with the facilitators and go deeper in their learning and application to their business and particular circumstances. We typically allocate 90 minutes for these sessions, and have a maximum of 15 participants per workshop.
take home value
Understand how other organisations are rebuilding organisational culture in hybrid & remote environments
Know the 5 key ingredients to build healthy remote & hybrid teams
Learn how the 5 key ingredients can be applied and have been applied previously
Identify how individuals can contribute to the team’s success and vice versa
Develop an appreciation for the co-creative process of re-imagining the organisation’s future
Explore exciting rituals and strategies to help the team enhance their sense of purpose collaboratively
“Without fail he is consistent, clear and hugely valuable. His insights are extremely well researched, he goes to great lengths to understand his clients and what they need, and you leave with an actionable to-do list that will elevate your business.”